Parcel Tax Endorsement

I am in favor of Measure D to fund our Fire and Paramedic services; you may include my name as an endorsement.

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No problem with the format and the necessity of some tax but have a HUGE problem with the fiscal management of the city- budgeted costs to increase 12% over the next 2 years, overtime approaching $ 1 million, consistent additions to staff even though the city is not expanding and, finally, plans for a new city hall that only a small % of the residents will ever visit (and, again, for a city that is not growing). Also not having escalation rates in line with CPI defies common sense.
Unfortunately, the only way to fix these problems is to vote NO- only then will the city focus on a fiscal review- the citizens are insisting on an Financial Oversight Committee similar to RPV to ensure that the city is “clean” before the tax is resubmitted to the voters.

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