Kenny Kao for PVE City Council

Official Candidate’s Statement:

Age: 45

Occupation: Attorney/Planning Commissioner/Community Volunteer

Today, as much as ever, our City needs strong and experienced leaders – guardians of the public trust whose function is to act fairly and honestly in the best interests of our City and its residents. As a community leader representing our City’s past, present, and future, I respectfully ask for your vote on March 7, 2017.

I understand our City’s past, having grown up here attending K-12 at Lunada Bay Elementary, Margate (now PVIS), and PV High. I would return “home to PV” often even as I continued studies at UCLA and Boalt Hall (UC Berkeley School of
Law) and worked federal and state government jobs in Washington D.C. and Southern California.

I am engaged in our City’s present, currently serving as a Planning Commissioner (prior to which I served four years on the City Traffic Safety Committee, two as Vice Chair) and a Director of the Lunada Bay Homeowners Association (where I have Chaired the Summer Concert Series for the past two years).

I have a vision for our City’s future, which includes:

  • Protection and restoration of our parklands and coastline
  • View preservation and measured residential development
  • Productive community dialogue
  • Equipping the PVEPD/Increasing public safety

Our City is a special place. With your vote, I will strive to keep it that way.

Candidate’s Personal Statement:

A sincere thanks to the LBHOA and MCHA membership for continuing to support your neighborhood organizations. At $35 per year, you not only get a whole host of activities and events (deal of the century!), but you have a way to connect with others. This is key for residents new and old, and how I transitioned back to serving the community after being away for 20 years. Our City may provide the support and venues for your events, but so much of the good that happens here would not be possible without these two groups. Keep up the good work!

For more information, please see Kenny’s website at:

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